Monday, June 24, 2013

Molly's (2ND!) Photoshoot

Ya gotta see the amazin' pics we took of myself a couple of days ago. 

and then here' s a fun pic we just took fo fun.

So...let us know whatcha like, whatcha don't like, and which one was your favorite!!




  1. I love all of it!!

    Did you hear the bad news?
    Molly's retiring! :(

    1. Thanks so much!

      Yes, we've heard so many rumors about it, but just yesterday it was confirmed by an AG YouTuber who went to the AG store. Those signs splashed across the screen, "Get Molly before She Moves Into The American Girl Archives" nearly broke m heart. How dare they retire my stuff and my BFF Emily. My mom asked for Emily for her birthday, and another surprise doll you'll have to wait and see.

  2. Yes Molly and emily are retiring! its so sad! i'll miss tem so much! molly and emily are so pretty! oh... i wish i had molly! i sure hope you can get emily before she retires!

    Emily: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    its alright emily. since i have you. YOUR not going anywhere! just, other emilys are going!

    Emily: what a relief. Wait. OTHER EMILYS??????????????????????????
    THAT MAKES NO SENCE WHAT SO EVER<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ohhhh....... Emily.

    But i am sad they are retiring! i love so many of there items and outfits and them!

    sincerely, Hannah & Emily

    1. IKR :( Mom asked for Emily for her birthday, and another surprise doll we can't tell you until we get her ;) oh Emily. :)

      I know right!! I am so heartbroken. Mom saved up $62-63 dollars so she could buy some of my stuff, and then she's hoping to get Emily for her birthday in two days and (secret doll)


  3. Cute pics!

    Is the *secret doll* Saige? ;)

  4. I love the photos you took of molly, I like your new and old blog by the way!:)


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Molly at Delightful World of Dolls